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Download Free E-Class Record Templates for K to 12 Program

This mail is to ask for technical assistance regarding with SHS-E-Classrecord. after i downloaded the template from DepEd official website and as I try to add more cell in the Input Data.. after 50 i cannot add anymore, thisis unfortunate to me since my males students is 62..

To ensure sustainability and minimize technical difficulty, the design was simplified using the essential feature in a spreadsheet file (excel). You can download these ECR Templates from the links below.

e-class record excel free download 2018


You can summarize financial data by asset record, book record, transaction account type, and specific periods at any time during the year. Summarizing asset data frees up hard disk space and is typically done at the end of the fiscal year. Once records have been summarized, you can no longer view detailed information. Use the Asset Financial Detail Summarize window to summarize financial data.

Hello, I have downloaded the spreadsheet but everytime i open it up it asks for the start date of the year repeatedly and I cannot go past the pop up box constantly coming back up. I have to force quite excel. Could you please tell me how to get round this?

you should only change 2018 to 2019 then it auto populates with the dates, the leaves per year auto populates when you add holidays, maybe you have lost some formatting, download and try with a fresh sheet

As I was scrolling through next year 2018, the excel spreadsheet did not clear all data from the current year. What codes that was already plugged in this current year carried over to 2018. How can I go about clearing the codes for next calendar year?

Hello Sumit, It is a very nice excel sheet which you have prepared & completely puts me at ease. I just wanted know from you how to add shift details. My team works in 24*5 form hence I am require to collect their login details. How can I create a LIST to record the same & then use other codes highlighting leaves.

Yes, but the disadvantage of using E450 after July 28, 2014 is CALPADS will end date (auto-close) all of the student program participation records upon posting the E450 exit code. The school would then have to resubmit the program records the following academic year when the student re-enrolls at the same school. The E155 exit code will only auto-close open free or reduced-price meal program records but will keep open all of the other existing student program records.

Schools must collect or receive National School Lunch Program (NSLP) applications by October 31. Schools may process those applications after October 31, and if students are found to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals (FRPMs), those schools may update FRPM program records for eligible students with a start date up to October 31. In order to be included in the Fall 1 certified data used as the basis for the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) Unduplicated Pupil Count, LEAs would need to update these data in CALPADS and certify Fall 1 data by the close of the Fall 1 Amendment Window. CALPADS will only include students enrolled on Fall 1 Census Day in the FRPM counts.

This section presents the data collected by the Department in various formats for PK-12 schools. While most of the data are presented in excel spreadsheets that users can download for their own analysis, data are also presented as maps and written reports, including The Annual Condition of Education Report: 2022.

E-Class Record Templates for K to 12 Basic Education Program

How to Use DepEd Electronic Class Record (ECR) Templates

Download Free ECR Templates for Grade 1 to Grade 10

User Manuals for DepEd E-Class Record Templates

Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program

DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 on Electronic Class Record

Simplified ECR Templates Using Basic Features in a Spreadsheet File

DepEd Official Website and Learner Information System (LIS) Website for ECR Templates

Technical Assistance and Orientation for School Personnel on ECR Templates

Updates and Memorandum on Electronic Class Record from DepEd

Computation of Grades Consistent with DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 Using ECR Templates

Electronic Class Record User Manual for Grades 1-3

Electronic Class Record User Manual for Grades 4-6

Electronic Class Record User Manual for Grades 7-10

Electronic Class Record User Manual for Senior High School (SHS)

Download Zip File of All Grade 1 ECR Templates

Download Zip File of All Grade 2 ECR Templates

Download Zip File of All Grade 3 ECR Templates

Download Zip File of All Grade 4-6 ECR Templates

Download Zip File of All Grade 7-10 ECR Templates

Download Zip File of All Senior High School (SHS) ECR Templates

ECR Templates for Filipino Subject for Grade 4-10

ECR Templates for English Subject for Grade 4-10

ECR Templates for Mathematics Subject for Grade 4-10

ECR Templates for Science Subject for Grade 4-10

ECR Templates for Home Economics Subject for Grade 7-10

ECR Templates for Araling Panlipunan Subject for Grade 4-10

ECR Templates for Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (EsP) Subject for Grade 4-10

ECR Templates for Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) Subject for Grade 7-10

ECR Templates for Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH) Subject for Grade 7-10

ECR Templates for Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) Subject for Grade 4-6

Summary and General Average ECR Template for SY 2015-2016 for Grade 5-6

Summary and Final Grades ECR Template for Grade 1 to Grade 10 and SHS

The Automated Self-Administered 24-hour (ASA24) Dietary Assessment Tool is a free, web-based tool. ASA24 enables multiple, automatically coded, self-administered 24-hour diet recalls and/or single or multi-day food records, also known as food diaries.

As of July 2008, California statute (Chap. 517, Stats. 2006) requires all teacher candidates for a preliminary Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credential to pass an assessment of their teaching performance with K-12 public school students as part of the requirements for earning a preliminary teaching credential. This assessment of teaching performance is designed to measure the candidate's knowledge, skills and ability with relation to California's Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), including demonstrating his/her ability to appropriately instruct all K-12 students in the Student Academic Content Standards. Each of the three approved teaching performance assessment models, CalTPA, edTPA, and FAST requires a candidate to complete defined performance tasks relating to subject-specific pedagogy, designing and implementing instruction and student assessment, video-recording teaching, and reflecting on practice. Performance tasks must be completed within a site placement where the candidate is working with supervising teachers, master teachers, and actual students. Multiple-subject candidates must demonstrate their capacity to teach literacy and mathematics. When taken as a whole, teaching performance assessment tasks measure the six TPE domain. Candidate performances are scored by trained, calibrated content-specific assessors against multiple rubrics that describe levels of performance relative to each performance task. Each model must also meet and maintain specified standards of assessment reliability, validity, and fairness to candidates. Annually model sponsors of approved assessments will report on candidate performance and this data will be used to inform program accreditation. All candidates who start a Commission-approved multiple and single subject teacher preparation program as of July 1, 2008 must meet the teaching performance assessment requirement. As of July 1, 2018, candidates must complete the redeveloped and approved TPA models, as well as meet all program requirements prior to being recommended for a preliminary teaching credential.


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